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Can Astrology Really Tell Which Signs Are Compatible for Love?

March 22, 2022 Lifestyle Insights Career
Can Astrology Really Tell Which Signs Are Compatible for Love?

You may have done this yourself, or maybe you know someone who may have (perhaps more often than they’d like to admit!).

We’re talking about searching the internet for astrological clues on where, who and when you might find the ultimate, perfect love. 

“Which zodiac signs go well together?”

“Which sign is my soulmate?”

And you may have even tried using an online ‘Compatibility Calculator’  to match your sign with that of your potential love interest.

Image taken from

Image taken from

Are These Things Accurate & Do They Even Work?

How many people actually decide who they should date based on the ‘compatibility percentage’ displayed on a screen? 

Some of these compatibility ‘results’ can be so vague as to apply to virtually every relationship in the world rather than yours in particular, such as “Both of these signs have the power to create a stable, honest relationship. They’re both tough and don’t back down from a good challenge

Unfortunately, most of these sources may provide a too-simplistic view of relationships. Reducing the world’s population to just 12 astrological signs can overlook a lot of nuances that truly determine compatibility in relationships. 

Hence, these websites are not the most useful indicators to determine how compatible you are with someone. 

Instead, compatibility is dependent on values and attitudes about life areas such as; lifestyle, money and children, etc

Astrologically, these values are determined not just from one Sun sign, but also involves examining indicators in the birth chart for approaches to partnership, life goals and a whole host of personal preference indicators for career, family and financial objectives, just to name a few. 

Very few relationships end because of ‘incompatible Sun Signs’

The truth is, many individuals can find difficulties sustaining fulfilling long-term relationships  because of their psychological behaviors in a relationship, such as self-sabotage, exhibiting toxic and controlling behaviors towards their partners and even emotional manipulation to get what they want in a relationship. 

At Selfstrology Academy, the Psychological Astrology (PA) Course introduces to students the 25-profile PA Matrix that helps pinpoint and address specific personal behavior and perspectives, such as in the context of romantic relationships.

For example, the Venus-Neptune profile tends to believe in fairy-tale romances and deep longing for the perfect union. They long for a fantasy ideal partner but after a few months into the new relationship, they begin focusing on everything that isn’t perfect about their partner. Deep down, what they fear is the reality of committed relationships and have already set themselves up for disappointment from the start. 

Going through our course allows our students  to start identifying these behaviors and taking responsibility for the success of their partnerships . They can then take practical actions to address compensatory behaviors in their relationships, which is, arguably, a much more practicable approach than relying on online ‘compatibility calculators’ to provide guidance for successful relationships. 

We invite you to embark on this transformative journey too, for you can also make the first step to your own transformation!

Our students go through the Beginner’s Intro Astrology Course first, to learn the basics of  reading astrology charts, before going on to do the Psychological Astrology Course.

Here are the course dates for the upcoming Beginner’s Intro Astrology Course:

Date: 30 April & 1 May  2022 (Sat & Sun)
Time: 10am-6pm (GMT+8)
Format: Zoom – Online Live Class
*Registration Closes: 16 April 2022

We are 3 weeks away for you to register and to be  part of the basic astrology course! Click on the link below to register and get to know who you really are with Astrology. Should you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at: +65 8138 3615.

Follow us on IG: @Selfstrology

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