Foundational Astrology
A rigorous revision of foundational astrological concepts, with emphasis on a firm grounding in archetypes and precision of keywords in interpretation.
Psychological Astrology
A rigorous revision of Psychological Astrology and the 25 Profiles, with emphasis on differentiating between the effects, application, back stories and transformation pivot points for each profile.
Chart Interpretation Mastery
Hands-on foundational work in chart interpretation for accuracy in profiling, identification of motivations and themes in life and exactitude of the use of keywords.
Predictive Astrology in Application (with Real Consultation Practice)
This covers the techniques for Predictive Astrology, with emphasis on its application to real-life situations and constructing a comprehensive forecast and past experiences for the client.
Apprentices will prepare Timelines for mock clients, with focus on conveying expected events and considering course of actions.
Relationship Astrology in Application
This covers the techniques for Relationship Astrology, with emphasis on its application to real-life situations and constructing a comprehensive interpretation of the dynamics in relationships, such as romantic, business and familial partnerships.
Astrologer Profiling
With most consultative modules completed at this point, apprentices will now focus profiling techniques on themselves, with the aim of determining the style of practice, the profile of clients and the type of issues which will fulfill requirements of personal alignment, business feasibility and effectiveness of results for clients. This module helps apprentice astrologers to identify clear directions and focus as they proceed onto further training.
Personal Consultation (with Real Consultation Practice)
Apprentices will face genuine clients presenting with real-world concerns in a mock consultation environment. Apprentices will undergo training in preparation for consultation, identifying areas of focus and consultation objectives, as well as structuring consultation procedures.
Astronomy for Astrologers
Professional astrologers require training in basic astronomy to gain a solid foothold on their understanding of planetary movements and behavior, including understanding of the Great Circles. This module also includes fundamental training in the science of geographical coordinates and the function and application of time as a human construct.
Casting Without Software
Also known as Calculations, apprentice astrologers are trained in the traditional calculation of astrology charts, without the aid of modern astrological software, just as astrologers have done for centuries prior to the invention of the personal computer (and the Internet).
Traditional Astrology in Application
This covers the techniques of Traditional Astrology (essential dignities, sect, history, conditions etc.), with emphasis on application to real-world chart interpretations.
Electional Astrology in Application (with Real Consultation Practice)
Apprentice astrologers undergo training in electional astrology, commonly known as date selection for important events.
The module includes practical training with real-world clients who seek to elect dates for events such as weddings, business incorporation, product launches etc.
Horary in Application
Horary is the technique in astrology most associated with divination (getting divine ‘answers’ to questions), and beyond the mysticism in horary, this module trains apprentice astrologers on integrating Horary with profiling, predictive and other tools for supporting clients to make important assessments in life.
Solar Returns in Application
Also known as the ‘Birthday Chart’, Solar Returns can be a quick and efficient way to obtain an overall picture of a given year in life. This module trains apprentice astrologers on integrating Solar Returns with other predictive tools to construct a clear picture of time periods in the client’s life.
Astro*Cartography in Application
Also known as the ‘world map astrology’, Astro*Cartography maps a person’s energy across the physical world, highlighting how locations can impact a person’s experience and vice versa. This module trains apprentice astrologers on integrating Astro*Cartography into consultative scenarios that involve considerations on geographical locations.
Rectification (with Real Consultation Practice)
Not all clients will be able to access an accurate birth time for themselves, due to a myriad of reasons, and this affects the accuracy of chart interpretations. Professional astrologers must be able to rectify charts, working backwards using factual life historical events to ascertain the correct birth time.
Apprentice astrologers will practice this in the hands-on module on real clients with inaccurate birth times.
Live Event
Apprentice astrologers will accompany the instructor in a marketing scenario where astrologers must deliver their services in real-time to real-world clients. This hands-on module trains apprentice astrologers on projecting a professional image, carrying out simple marketing campaigns, and dealing with clients on the spot, even if there is little time for chart preparation.