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Are You In The Right Career That Makes You Glow With Happiness?

April 8, 2023 Career Insights
Are You In The Right Career That Makes You Glow With Happiness?

“Is there something that I’m meant to do?”

“Is there a reason why I have all these skills and abilities? How are they supposed to be used in my life?”

Increasingly, people are looking to answer their life or career purpose through astrology.

For me, that’s very exciting.

In fact, I would say that astrology’s greatest power is how it allows you to connect the dots in your life to create meaning. You can naturally live a more purpose-driven life – career and otherwise – when you are aware of your intrinsic skills and how they can be applied. 

Looking at your life through the lens of astrology then allows you some fantastic realizations.

Realization #1:

You have several skills. You are never limited to just one skill. You can actually combine many of your different skills into a profession that is uniquely yours.

A great career makes use of multiple skills and abilities – rather than just one.

Most profiling tools focus primarily on your skills. This can limit you to environments where you think that skill should be applied. With astrology, you can actually combine multiple skills and this lens allows you to see beyond having to choose just one industry.

Case in point: Gordon Ramsay

While he’s most commonly known as a chef, he didn’t follow the conventional path of going to culinary school, joining a restaurant and then merely working as a chef. Instead, he’s done a great deal more than that.

In the kitchen, he’s an intensely professional craftsman. However, his overall impact has been on a much larger scale. Through his chef mentorship and his participation in professional organization, many would agree that he has raised the standards in the restaurant industry.

Beyond the kitchen, he also has secondary skills in front of the camera and in media more widely.

In addition to being featured in several of his own television programs, he has taught a class and published several books. His career very naturally crosses over between the culinary, entertainment and education industries.

Realization #2:

Your industry and “job” is not your function or purpose.

What I call function is the purpose you can carry out in society. Rather than pigeon-holing yourself to a job title, you can use your unique combination of skills and traits to provide a function for society. In doing so, you can determine your own mediums for carrying that out. 

Case in point: Walt Disney

There were lots of storytellers in the world. Some write novels. Some tell stories through speeches like Ted Talks. There are countless ways to tell stories.

Few have made a name for themselves like Disney though. Looking at Walt Disney’s chart, a lot of the magic that built the Disney empire appears in it.

However, his chart does not reveal that his number one function in society is an animator. Specific job designations cannot be read in a chart. Rather, his chart reveals that he is an intuitive storyteller and someone who can tell a really powerful and emotional story.

If you’ve watched any of his films, you know that to be true. His stories have the power to bring people to tears, even when it is an animation.

Basically, Walt Disney accomplished more than simply an animator because his purpose was not to just animate. When he began his career, his animated films were considered cutting edge. Part of his life purpose included pushing the boundaries of what was possible within the film industry at the time. From there, he was also able to build out an entire experience for people beyond films with Disneyland.

Disney’s function was to tell compelling stories while his medium was using a cutting edge communication medium.  

Realization #3:

Astrology is like a storytelling tool, with your chart telling the story of your life.

It reveals areas where you may evolve. Your chart stays the same but different areas will play out at different times.

Case in point: Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga made a name for herself as an entertainer. However, more recently she has forayed into film, both acting and producing.

If you pay close attention to her career, you’ll also note that she has been involved in an increasing amount of humanitarian work and activism. She’s a spokesperson for multiple organizations and created her own foundation, the Born This Way Foundation. All of this work is a world apart from her initial work which was only on the stage.

Her career story is a common one, at least in the beginning. She started out in the safezone. She was good at singing and dancing so it made sense to become a performer. However, this is where she was able to evolve when most do not.

Lady Gaga saw her core skills as a base and began to ask herself in what further direction she could grow.

She asked, where can I contribute more with the skills that I have? For her, the answer was an evolution into these other mediums for creating impact, beyond simply entertainment.

All of these people realized their life’s purpose by making full use of their skills and potential.

The secret power behind astrology profiling is that it does not limit you to one skill, industry or application of your skills.

Instead, it is dynamic. And it shows you the many possibilities for how and where you can contribute with your unique skills.

With this knowledge, suddenly you can get clarity about what you contribute. You also are able to remove the limits on how you can express those skills in your life and work.

If you haven’t already read your own astro chart to reveal your own potential, a great starting point is the Free Chart Generator on my website.

For even more insights on how you can achieve more of your life’s purpose, check out the resources on my Youtube page or the information about one of my upcoming courses

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