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Why Am I Still Unsettled in My Job?

March 1, 2022 Career Lifestyle Insights
Why Am I Still Unsettled in My Job?

‘What jobs are suitable for me?’
‘I don’t think I’m fully in the right position now’

This is one of the most common questions we get from our students at Selfstrology Academy. Contrary to popular belief, the overarching concern of most people today isn’t relationships or money – it’s fulfillment (or the lack thereof) in the careers they work in every day. 

A significant proportion of workforce we speak to have the following comments about their jobs:

  1. Repetitive and mechanical – they are simply part of a process, with very little say over outcomes
  2. Forced into activities they underperform in – responsibilities in their job description they dislike, dread and have no aptitude for
  3. No platform to use skills and talents – talents and interests don’t get recognised and used
  4. Meaningless – no sense at all that the time and effort invested is heading to a positive outcome for those they serve

And after working for a while, they feel like they have lost a part of themselves, and feel directionless

They start to think that they could have used their remaining time and effort to do something more valuable and impactful.

However, they are stuck and have no idea how to go about changing their current state. 

Or maybe, they have an idea or a plan of who they want to serve and help, but they are unable to take action, leading to procrastination. 

They end up sitting on it for months, even years, and still feel meaningless in their careers

The reason why people feel unsettled or unhappy in their jobs is that for most of them, they don’t really view their work as an extension of themselves. 

Therefore, many have come forward to ask me “What kind of jobs are suitable for me instead?” because they are looking for a direction, a sign. 

But the first question that they should ask themselves is, “Who am I?”

Elon Musk is a perfect example of someone who is very happy in the work that he does. His dream is to use technology to change the world and bring an impact to people, not about being rich or famous. And you could tell that he is genuinely happy with his work – and not just because he is a multi-billionaire

Adele, the English Singer-songwriter loves singing and pouring her heart out in music. She is happy not just because she has fame and fortune, but because she is using her inherent talent to produce real value in her work

Both of them did not choose their work based on what is available as a job. They did not limit themselves and try to fit into a “requirement” learned in school. They started with what is inherently natural to them and created the work from there.

In our Psychology Astrology (PA) course, learning about astrological career profiling helps to identify your natural talents and your natural audience.  Where career fulfillment comes from is first understanding and knowing themselves:
Who will benefit from my skills?
How can I help more people?

It is also about the authenticity that “I would just like to be myself” and in doing so, break out of your limits and decide the work that makes you feel fulfilled and purposeful vs feeling empty and pointless. 

We invite you to embark on this transformative journey too, for you can also make the first step to your own career transformation! 

Beginner’s Intro Astrology Course

Our students go through the Beginner’s Introduction to Astrology Course first, to learn to read astrology charts, before going on to do the Psychological Astrology Course.

Here are the course dates for the next upcoming course:

Date: 2 & 3 April 2022 (Sat & Sun)
Time: 10am-6pm (GMT+8)
Format: Zoom – Online Live Class

*Registration Closes: 19 March 2022

We are less than a month away for you to be part of the basic astrology course! Click on the link below to register and get to know who you really are with Astrology. Should you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at: +65 8138 3615.

See you in class.

Follow us on IG: @Selfstrology

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