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5 Things You Must Have in Your Career When Automation Takes Over

October 14, 2024 Tips Insights Career
5 Things You Must Have in Your Career When Automation Takes Over

5 Things You Must Have in Your Career When Automation Takes Over

In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, the integration of AI and machine learning has become impossible to ignore. As industries increasingly adopt these technologies, the future of work is shifting dramatically. This has led me to question: How will AI impact the way we read astrology charts for career profiling? And more importantly, how can we use astrology to help individuals navigate a workforce that is changing faster than ever?


The Change Is Here And Now.

With tools like ChatGPT, MidJourney, and other AI-driven platforms, it’s clear that AI isn’t a distant concept anymore. It’s here, now, and already transforming industries. The delay in AI infiltrating some sectors isn’t due to a lack of technology but rather the time it takes for infrastructure to catch up. Yet, with AI automating tasks across various fields, the competition isn’t just between humans anymore. You’re not just applying for jobs against other candidates; you may also be up against machines that can do the same work faster, cheaper, and more efficiently.

This leads to a pressing concern: where does that leave us, as humans? If you’re wondering where you fit into this new world, you’re not alone. For years, astrological career profiling has been about finding the right industry, role, or competitive strategy. Now, however, the landscape has changed, and we need to evolve our approach to career astrology.

To help guide the next generation of workers, I’ve identified five key areas that will help you carve out your unique path in this AI-dominated world.


1. Creativity: Beyond Logic

At the top of my list is ‘Creativity’, but not the typical kind like painting or songwriting—AI can handle that. The essence of creativity lies in self-expression, something that comes from within. Human creativity has never been driven by logic, which is precisely where AI excels. AI generates content by pulling from pre-existing designs, music, and ideas found online. Even though AI might seem like it’s creating something new, it operates on logic and tends to focus on improving what’s already there.

Human creativity works differently. Think about innovative recipes, like adding pineapple to a laksa dish—not because it makes logical sense, but because someone loves pineapple. This act of self-expression could lead to a surprisingly delicious new recipe, a creation born from personal instinct rather than logical progression.

In astrology, the goal is to identify what’s uniquely you—combinations of traits that may seem unrelated but, when united, create something authentically creative. For example, someone who combines humour and physical strength could become an iconic action star, much like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. These blends of personality traits are rare and invaluable because they can’t be logically manufactured.


Creativity also extends into fields like architecture, where people like Antoni Gaudí or Frank Gehry mix imaginative fantasy with structural skill, leading to groundbreaking designs. Even in literature, innovators have challenged norms by asking, “Why does a book need to be read from front to back?” This led to the creation of “Choose Your Own Adventure” books, a revolutionary format that broke away from traditional storytelling.

For me, I’ve embraced this form of creativity in astrology. While I’m skilled in astrology, I’m also practical. I’ve combined these traits to create a grounded, no-nonsense approach to astrology that people can apply in their everyday lives to make informed decisions. This, too, is a form of creativity—blending seemingly disconnected parts of ourselves into something new, useful, and uniquely ours.


2. Personal Relationships: The Human Connection

Next on the list is ‘Personal Relationships’.

While AI can simulate human interactions—whether it’s through chatting with a virtual assistant or the rise of robots that mimic human intimacy—there’s a crucial difference. No matter how sophisticated AI becomes, it can’t replicate the deep emotional connections that exist between people. Humans crave real connections with others who share their experiences and understand their emotions.

AI might be able to fake empathy, but it doesn’t truly understand what it’s like to be rejected by a parent, to feel embarrassed in front of a crowd, or to be bullied at work. It’s never lived through those moments, and that fundamental gap limits how well it can connect with us. This is why human relationships remain irreplaceable.

In astrology, this concept comes to life when we explore who you’re naturally drawn to, your emotional needs, and how you connect with others. Are you someone who bonds through physical presence, like holding hands and offering comfort? Or are you more of a mentor, guiding others and lending your wisdom? Perhaps you’re a coach, motivating someone through their hardest challenges, or a firefighter working alongside others equally passionate about saving lives.

These connections can’t be replicated by AI. They’re born from shared passion, empathy, and experience, and in this area, AI will never be able to compete. Relationships grounded in emotional understanding are where human connection truly shines.


3. Personal Beliefs: Fighting for What Matters

The third point on my list is ‘Personal Beliefs’.

AI can deliver facts and figures about global events or explain the causes people are fighting for, but it lacks the ability to truly care about those issues. It doesn’t feel passionately about human rights, climate change, or cultural preservation. AI will never understand the deep personal connection you might feel toward something like Peranakan culture because your grandmother instilled its values and beauty in you.

Another limitation of AI is that it doesn’t have a moral compass. It doesn’t inherently know what’s right or wrong—whether it’s understanding that murder is immoral, or that certain social issues need addressing. It can’t form opinions on guns, social justice, or ethical dilemmas. Humans, on the other hand, are guided by a sense of morality and the need to advocate for what they believe in.

In astrology, exploring your personal beliefs can be transformative. An astrologer can help you understand where your core values lie and what causes truly resonate with you. This could lead to building a career or life path around issues you’re passionate about, especially when you find yourself working in a job that feels disconnected from any meaningful cause. Many people today feel like they’re doing “robotic” work, stuck in roles that lack purpose beyond profit-making.

But here’s the silver lining: as AI takes over mundane tasks, it frees us to focus on things that matter—on causes that stir our hearts and align with our values. A skilled astrologer can pinpoint the areas in your life where your belief system thrives and guide you toward making a real difference in the world. This search for passion and purpose is something many people are craving, and it’s a journey AI simply can’t take.


4. Leadership: Inspiring Humans, Not Robots

The fourth key area is ‘Leadership’.

We often think of leaders as wealthy or powerful figures, but history shows that the most impactful leaders weren’t always the best at their technical jobs.


Genghis Khan likely wasn’t the greatest horseman in his empire, Franklin Roosevelt wasn’t the richest man in America, and Lee Kuan Yew wasn’t the top administrator in Singapore. Yet, these figures shaped the course of nations, not because of their skills alone, but because they articulated a vision that inspired others to rally behind them.

Leadership is about more than authority or status; it’s about guiding others toward a shared goal and inspiring them to believe in that future. AI may be great at processing information and providing data-driven insights, but it lacks the emotional depth and human connection required to lead. No one will ever look up to AI and say, “I want to be just like you.” Leadership is inherently human, driven by traits and behaviors that resonate with others on a personal level.

Leadership is not limited to being a CEO or a high-ranking executive. It can manifest in everyday actions, such as mentoring a colleague, leading a small team, or volunteering for a community project. Leadership shows up in the ability to step up, share ideas, and guide others, even in small settings.

When analyzing an astrology chart, we look for indicators of who you naturally attract as followers and what areas of life you feel called to lead.

Leadership can take many forms—emotional, financial, or action-based. Understanding your leadership style can help you chart a meaningful direction, identifying where you can make a difference and whom you are best suited to guide. Whether you’re leading in a small way or on a larger scale, astrology can help you understand your unique leadership qualities and how to use them effectively.


5. Entrepreneurship: Creating Your Future

The final and perhaps most challenging point to discuss is ‘Entrepreneurship’.

This is because entrepreneurship is set to radically transform the way we view careers and the workforce in the near future. The simple truth is that finding traditional jobs will become increasingly difficult as technology evolves. While AI is still in its early stages and costly to implement, we all know how fast it’s advancing. Soon, it will be more practical and cost-effective for companies to invest in machines or AI systems that can replace not just one employee, but potentially hundreds at once. This shift will make traditional employment models less sustainable across many industries.


What does this mean for you?

It means that creating something new—starting your own business—may become a more viable path than relying on a “job.” While you may be thinking that there are still roles AI can’t fill—like those tied to creativity, personal relationships, personal beliefs, or leadership—the harsh reality is that most employers aren’t looking for these qualities in their employees. They aren’t typically hiring people to express their creativity, build personal connections, or act on their personal beliefs. Instead, you’re often expected to adopt the company’s values and work toward its goals, leaving little room for personal expression.

This irony isn’t just a future problem—it’s always been the case. Many people already find themselves compromising their beliefs and values to fulfil the requirements of their jobs, simply to get paid. But as traditional employment becomes less feasible, more and more individuals will recognize the benefits of creating their own opportunities. Entrepreneurship allows you to align your work with your values, creativity, and vision in ways that most companies simply don’t offer.

In astrology, we look for entrepreneurial potential by analyzing indicators of independence, drive, and innovation in your chart. If you’re feeling the pull to create your own path and build something meaningful, it’s worth exploring how your astrological makeup might support this journey. As the workforce continues to evolve, entrepreneurship could become not just a choice, but a necessity for many.


Don’t wait around for the ‘Great Replacement’ to hit

In conclusion, it’s not about waiting until AI replaces you—because, in truth, many jobs today don’t offer much room for true self-expression anyway. The key is to start now, to invest in understanding yourself and building a future that aligns with your passions and talents. By doing so, you’ll be prepared when major changes come, and you won’t find yourself panicking every time companies talk about cutting costs or AI advancements. Instead, you’ll have built something uniquely yours that is resilient and future-proof.

When we examine your astrology chart from the perspective of freelancing or entrepreneurship, it opens up endless possibilities. Rather than trying to force yourself into a pre-existing mold, your chart helps reveal what you can contribute to the world, who your audience is, and how to communicate your value in a way that resonates. It’s not just about making sales; it’s about connecting with people who truly benefit from what you offer, aligning your work with your beliefs, and finding the right mediums to express yourself—whether online, offline, in personal settings, or in the public sphere.

The ultimate goal is to create a career that is uniquely you, and frankly, resistant to automation. If you’re concerned about your long-term career prospects and are looking for ways to build something sustainable for the future—something that doesn’t rely on traditional salary-based employment—I encourage you to explore an astrology consultation. Together, we can explore your ideas, uncover potential blind spots, and find ways to future-proof your path.

Even if you’re not ready for a career change, but are interested in self-discovery and starting small, this process can help you take meaningful steps now. That way, you’ll be prepared when the inevitable changes come. If this resonates with you, feel free to explore booking a consultation or sign up for a course where I will teach you how to read your own chart and start this journey of self-exploration.

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At Selfstrology Academy, we start from the basics, requiring no prior knowledge. Each astrological term and concept is curated and scaffolded, with relatable class and live examples. To learn more about obtaining a structured education in astrology, visit Selfstrology Academy or contact us at or WhatsApp: +65 8138 3615.

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